Jaquelyn Ngo, Vietnamese-origin painter of genius in Australia

At the age of six, Jacquelyn Ngo’s paintings amaze art professors by their colors and energy.
Many Australian newspapers, like The Sydney Morning Heraldnews and Women's Day wrote about this Vietnamese Australian little girl as a genius and the hope of painting world after her first exhibition entitled “Through Young Eyes” in December 2010.
Specialized in oil paintings, Jacquelyn’s talent was first discovered when she won the children’s category of the Liverpool City Art Prize in 2010, after which the Liverpool City Council decided to host her first exhibition which featured her 30 oil paintings, in its new Kids' Gallery, opened by Mayor Wendy Waller.
Steven Alderton, director of the Casula Powerhouse Arts Center, said Jacquelyn had a very fresh painterly ability and her work was “light and bright and energetic.”
Alderton came across Jacquelyn's artwork a few months ago when she won the children's category of the Liverpool City Art Prize. ''She has a very fresh painterly ability,'' he said. ''It's light and bright and energetic and you can feel that youngness in the canvas.''
He admitted he was initially skeptical that the paintings could be created by an artist so young, so he sent a colleague to watch Jacquelyn paint for 2½ hours. ''She was crying since was so amazed at the young girl's talent,'' Alderton said.
Born to Vietnamese immigrant parents in New South Wales, Australia, Jacquelyn's aunt--Thu Ngo said the family had noticed her talent when she was three. ''She started drawing this and that,'' she said. ''Her sketches were quite good, so we thought maybe we should do something about it.''
Jacquelyn, who also plays piano, was mentored by artist Trong Nhon Do, but the inspiration for her paintings is all her own. ''I paint everything,'' she said. ''I paint people and animals and landscapes.''
Asked if she wanted to become an artist, Jacquelyn said: ''I think so.''
Alderton believes Jacquelyn has a promising career ahead of her and could be a future winner of the Archibald or Moran Prize.
Jacquelyn’s paintings reflect the energy and unconditioned approach to presenting painted images with the naturalness and lack of pretension associated with youth.
Her view of the world is direct and uncompromising as can be expected of one so young. It can be clearly seen in her work that she paints for the simple enjoyment of being creative.
Her subject matter is wide and includes animals, landscapes and figures. Her choice is wide and varied and she likes to experiment with the techniques and styles of some of those who have gone before her. One of her favorite artists is Vincent Van Gogh to whom she seems to share a similar enjoyment of applying paint.
Jacquelyn Ngo’s second exhibition was organized in Sydney in May 2011.