Terraced Fields: Work of Man, Wonder of Nature

The 300-year old terraced fields of Hoang Su Phi District, Ha Giang Province, were named a national heritage site.
The way to Ha Giang and Hoang Su Phu itself is quite a difficult trip, with little public transportation and long, rough roads along the way. But all the inconvenience is all worth it as the sight that awaits is one that will leave the traveler forever mesmerized.
Hoang Su Phi is a natural marvel with 800 hectares of lush fields that turn even golden during the harvest season in September and October. It is made up of six communes and the ethnic minority peoples of La Chi, Dao and Nung communities, which cultivate the fields.
40 kilometers ahead is the district of Xin Man, habitated in by 18 ethic minority peoples including the Tay, Dao and Nung. The distance from Hoang Su Phi is not that far, but the narrow and winding roads make the trip longer and more difficult, taking about 2 hours to reach the place. But just as Hoang Su Phi too, the discomfort disappears as you see the abysses, springs, mountains and terraced fields along the way. In fact, the terraced fields of Xin Man have bigger slopes than that of Hoang Su Phi, so big that they appeared to touch the sky.
Bac Ha District is the next district, also 40 kilometers away, and can only be reached by renting a xe om (motorcycle taxi) because the road is unpassable by cars. The terraced fields around the Lung Phin Market were at lower levels compared to Ha Giang. Rice also ripened earlier.
About a kilometer away is the commune of Ban Pho. Unlike the others and what is common, its terraced fields were not found on mountains but along hills and next to springs. This makes the place a popular tourist destination, both local and foreign, especially in the harvest season to see beauty in peculiarity.
The different terraced fields are the collaboration of two elements: the amazing beauty of nature and the years of toiling of the ethnic groups to harness such natural beauty.