Cha Ca La Vong Restaurant

This is a restaurant (with another location in Ba Dinh) with a long tradition, operated by family Doan since several generations. It is said to be Vietnam’s oldest restaurant located in Hanoi. Outside, numerous people are waiting in a long line until it is their turn. Inside, you first have to climb narrow, uneven stairs until you enter a small room with a low ceiling. At wooden tables, tourists sit among locals, eagerly awaiting their meal.
The place is a simple restaurant where only one dish is served: fried fish. Every day. Since 1871. The only dish "Cha Ca" (Fish sausage) has nothing to do with sausage this is rather a soup cooked on your table, fondue style. Ordering “Cha Ca”, you’ll get white fish without bones with greens and saffron-infused oil, served in a frying pan. The restaurant is famous for its delicious fish, and that is the reason for the great popularity of this place.
A visit at Cha Ca La Vong seems to be quite expensive compared to other local restaurants (142.000 VND or $9 for two persons). If you plan to go there, consider dropping by in the afternoon rather than in the evening. Otherwise it can get really crowded.