In the following article we report on some Vietnamese features that have attracted our attention during our journey through Vietnam. On the one hand they are very interesting and on the other hand they may also help to behave appropriately and politely as a tourist in Vietnam. First something about...
Today a warehouse with fireworks has exploded on the grounds of the My Dinh National Stadium at 11:30 a.m. Actually, they were created for the big firework celebrations of the 1000th anniversay of Hanoi on Sunday. Reportedly, there are four casualties and several injured persons. The cause of the explosion...
Die erste laengere Busfahrt brachte mich nach Hue. Anstatt der angekuendigten 13,5 Stunden brauchten wir jedoch 17 Stunden. Das lag sicherlich auch daran, dass wir mindestens zehnmal stoppten, um Personen/Gepaeck aufzunehmen bzw. abzuladen. Entsprechend “zerknittert” fuehlte ich mich am Morgen nach der Fahrt im “Sleeping Bus”. In Hue angekommen checkte...